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Introduction: Advice From a Music Major

Updated: May 4

What does it really mean to be a musician?

What sets us apart from everybody else, and how can we explore our own potential?

Music truly is an enigma- and no two sounds can ever truly sound the same. I think that's part of the magic of it. There's an infinite uniqueness in the sounds we create as musicians, no matter the instruments we play. And though I may not be able to break down what makes all of the magic happen, I want to use my voice to help bring all of the bubbling potential for this magic to the surface.

That is to say, if you have ever considered a career in music, or are already pursuing one, I want this blog to be the best stepping stones a music major can provide.


I guess my first piece of advice would be as follows:

Your voice is your most powerful tool.

Now, I can feel the eyebrows raising from the instrumentalists reading, so let me explain. In my eyes, music is so much more than the playing, the performance. It's the essence of a musicians being. It's the way we present ourselves to the world.

In so many ways, the music we hear in mainstream media today has been defined by their connections, how they have established their presence in this world. It's difficult to stand out without knowing and connecting with the world around you. Of course, many benefit from letting their music speak for itself: and this works too! In fact, the openness to interpretation creates a beautifully mysterious vibe to many viewers. But to break through, especially in a modern industry where there is music EVERYWHERE, and EVERYONE is making it, you need to raise your voice to stand out in an endless sea of media.

So, before I moved to university, I was a very lonely person. I had social anxiety, and didn't really fit in with my peers. I think I got really lucky, honestly- I was determined to make some new friends when I moved to Leeds, and somehow found myself with the confidence to do it. I met some of the most incredible talents I know today thanks to that. But, not everybody's a plot-twist introvert. Also, not everyone is in a music school!

Hear me out. I have a story to tell.

Your voice is the most powerful thing, right? And it's not like being awkward, or afraid, means you'll never get the chance to speak up. I was invited to an event the other day, completely by chance, for a discussion bringing together a whole variety of local communities in front of West Yorkshire's mayoral candidates. I was just... stunned. Not to mention terrified. I said yes, of course, but had to really make an effort to say a single word while I was there with all of the nerves. But, something magical happened. People, for whatever reason, approached me themselves!

"Hey, are you part of the Conservatoire? I was wondering if you were interested in a project we were putting on..." And if that wasn't good enough, I met with the director of a radio station..! Just from the good fortune of being there!

I guess what I'm trying to say is, your voice isn't necessarily your performance, or your confidence. It's about your willingness to say yes. It's the opportunities you take.

See what I mean? So, as I continue this blog series, I'll set you some optional homework. This time, it's simple: say yes. Take that step. It might be a completely unexpected opportunity, or you might have been waiting for it for a while. Don't let the fear of unpredictability stop you from taking hold of your life.

I'm starting to sound like a motivational speaker already- sorry!

See you later, space rangers.


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May 04

such a warming presence in everybodies lives! you are such a talent and inspiration

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