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Podcasts, Shoots & Summer!

Heya, space rangers.

Guess who's back after a wonderfully eventful Summer break?

(Please say you missed me, because I've missed all of you!)

Today's blog is more of a fun one; life updates, sprinkles of advice and lots and lots of excitement on my end..!

Let's start with the first on a large collection of good news: I've officially enrolled onto my third and final year at uni- continuing my studies not only as a goody-two-shoes student, but as the official 2024-25 Women's Rep! What an incredible privilege!

Putting my name down for this gave me some great interview experience, as well as a chance to connect with the student council and learn the ins-and-outs of how my conservatoire functions. You might already know that I host events as a volunteering job, so this coincides well with that! If you attend my university, I'd love to hear some insights on which events we'd like to introduce, as well as any feedback you might have on your course!

Now, you should never feel obligated to apply for lots of things, and give yourself lots of work- as I certainly have this year. In fact, my peers actually wonder if I'm doing too much- and they might be right! I'll continue to report, so don't take my advice if I end up burning out quickly this year! But, I do adore connecting with the community as much as I can... and I'm stubborn to a fault. So I'd say, if it serves you, go for it!

I also joined Threads recently, which, if you didn't know, is Instagram's version of X (Twitter)- a version which encourages communities to form and connect! It's been about a month, and I almost have 200 followers already, which is unbelievable!

Posting silly little posts about my music there has led to some exciting things, such as the reaching out of an indie artist-focused podcast, as well as connecting me with some incredible artists. I recorded the podcast session just last week, actually, and it'll be with you very soon!

I'm finally gaining the confidence to post encouraging comments on lots of posts, and who knew it'd get me this far? It's definitely worth doing- you never know who you could connect with just by being kind.

Thanks to Glow Up Studios (@glowupstudios__ on IG) for this wonderful headshot!

A couple of days ago, I also did my very first photoshoot! It was definitely expensive, so I'll have to be financially mindful next time- but I felt so beautiful. I had a few glasses of free prosecco, as well, which I'll never complain about!

I think that's all the time I'll have for today, my loves! Hopefully this blog hasn't ended up too long. I'm excited to spend this Autumn with you all!

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